A reflection on I Corinthians 1:4-9

What would we do without friends? Can you imagine a life with no friends? No one to share our days with. No one to laugh with, cry with. We’d have no need for Facebook!!! Praise God for friends! That is exactly what Paul is doing here in the opening sentences in his letter to the Church in Corinth.

It may seem like a simple thing but friendship is a very necessary aspect within our spiritual journey. We were designed for community. As babies we needed parents and adults to raise us, nurture us and teach us. Our spiritual growth reflects the same truth. We need christian family, mentors, brothers and sisters in Christ to help us along our path to holiness. You may find yourself asking, “Why is this? Why can’t I be a loner? Why do I need others?” Those are great questions that can be answered in numerious ways; but simply put, we are made in the image and likeness of God and God himself has revealed himself as a communion of persons in the mystery of the Trinity. That is to say, God is Father, Son and Spirit.

It has been said, “no man is an island.” We simply weren’t designed to be isolated. And, if we want to grow in our relationship with Christ we will need help along the way. Hopefully you have some people already in your life who can walk with you, speak truth to you and assure you when things get difficult. If you don’t, pray that God provides someone to journey with. If you do, take a moment to reflect on St. Paul’s words and give thanks for those who have been a part of your spiritual growth.

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