Clean & Clear

My wife and I have had a hectic couple weeks: retreats, birthday parties, more retreats, doctor appointments...the list goes on and on. Things have been an absolute blur. Luckily, we survived…

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I have been blogging now for the past couple of months and I just realized that I never explained why I picked "For the Revival" to be the title of my…

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Take My Heart

For us Catholics, the liturgical season of Lent started up this past Wednesday. I use to cringe every year around this time because Lent for me simply meant no TV. It…

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Lovey Dovey

Ah, Valentine's Day is upon us once again. I can't escape it. Facebook. Twitter. TV sitcoms. Even my local supermarket has lined its isles with heart-felt paraphernalia. It is EVERYWHERE. To…

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Fear Factor

I recently was reminded of a great line from a movie that I saw a couple years ago. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something…

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Here & Now

With this being only my second entry for this page, I am pretty sure that I would still be considered a "rookie" in the blogging world. I'm still getting my digital…

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